Introduction to Newspapers: blog task

1) What type of news can you typically find in a tabloid newspaper?

gossip and entertainment some serious news but tends to be taken less seriously as its for the working class 

2) What type of news can you typically find in a broadsheet newspaper?

you can find more serious news about the world affairs and whats happening in other country this type of news is meant for a higher more educated audience

3) If someone is left-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

left wing news is meant for socialist views and talks about freedom and equality and to be freed from the rule of classes and discrimination 

4) If someone is right-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

right wing news is mostly about capitalist views on power and control such as how some people should work for cheap based on there gender or race or how immigrants should be deported back to there county 

5) Why has there been a decline in newspaper sales in the last 20 years?

the decline is news is because when the internet was made everyone could get anything at anytime with a click of button so the decline in news became inevitable as the younger generation would be obsessed with phones and technology than pieces of paper with writing on them

6) Why is a free press important in a democracy like the UK?

the press was to serve the governed not the governors the freedom of the press protected by the First Amendment is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people


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